Phishing acquire sensitive information, such as usernames, passwords and credit card details, by masquerading as a trustworthy entity. This is criminally and fraudulently attempt. They camouflaged to be like an electronic communication such as Ebay , Paypal. The online banks are the common targets.Phishing is typically by email or instant messaging and directs users to enter details at a website.
For accuracy, I suggest to please check first the domain used by sender as well as the domain of website. Through the result you can identify if it is a fully qualified domain. We can also identify what company owns that particular IP address. If it happens that you know that IP is maliciously an attacker, I suggest to directly report the matter to the Internet Provider of the IP address to shutdown the particular website.
Vishing operates like phishing by persuading consumers to divulge their Personally Identifiable Information (PII). These attackers is claiming that your account was suspended, deactivated, or terminated. Attackers directs to contact their bank via telephone number provided in the e-mail or by an automated recording. Upon calling the telephone number, the recipient is greeted with "Welcome to the bank of ..." and then requested to enter their card number in order to resolve a pending security issue.
For authenticity, never provide information in the email or click the embedded links.
Internet has help us so much today. We need to do our business, connect and transfer file easily and wisely.